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Used Car Sale On The Rise !!

– For approximately every two used cars, a new car was sold in Spain. That is,
approximately 861,000 new passenger cars were sold in 2021,
but the number of second-hand or used cars increased by 9% to almost 2 million passenger cars in Spain in 2021.
According to data from the Spanish traffic service DGT, approximately 861,000 new passenger cars (turismos)
were sold in Spain in 2021.
That is only 1% more than in the first corona year 2020.
This can be partly explained by the uncertainty caused by the corona pandemic,
but also by the lack of parts and lower production of new cars,
resulting in fewer passenger cars for sale and longer waiting times.
That is why more and more residents of Spain are opting for used or second-hand passenger cars.
According to the most recent figures for 2021,
9% more ‘vehículos de ocasión’ were sold than in 2020,
but that number fell by 5.4% in December 2021. In total,
approximately 1.98 million second-hand passenger cars were sold in Spain in the 12 months of last year.

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